After Sales

Upon purchasing a voucher, you can expect to receive it shortly after completing the transaction. Our vouchers are delivered electronically via email, ensuring prompt delivery to your inbox. In most cases, the email with the voucher will be sent within a few minutes of your purchase.

However, please note that delivery times may vary depending on factors such as email server processing and internet connectivity. If you haven’t received your voucher within a reasonable time frame, please check your spam or junk folder, as sometimes the email might be filtered there.

Thank you for reaching out about printing the voucher. We understand that the process can vary depending on your device and printer setup. To assist you in the best possible way, we’ve found a detailed YouTube video that provides a step-by-step guide on printing vouchers. You can watch the video by clicking on the following link: YouTube Video Link.

Please remember that while this video is a general guideline, the specifics might differ based on your particular equipment and software. If you encounter any difficulties or have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.

We appreciate your interest in making changes to your voucher. Kindly note that an admin fee is associated with editing vouchers to cover the necessary processing.

To change your voucher, please click on the link: This link will guide you through updating the message on your voucher.

However, please be aware that we cannot change the recipient’s name once the voucher has been issued. If you encounter any difficulties or have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team.

If you ordered multiple vouchers for the same recipient, please note that each voucher will have the same number. The unique voucher number represents the total voucher amount rather than individual vouchers.

To access the total voucher amount, you can simply reprint the voucher you received. The printed voucher will reflect the complete value of all the vouchers you purchased for the learner. This way, you can utilise the entire voucher amount during redemption.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the number of vouchers received or need assistance with reprinting, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team. We are here to help and ensure you have a smooth experience redeeming the vouchers for the learner.

Contact Support

If you cannot find the answer you’re seeking, don’t hesitate to contact us here